Document Types
(Instantiation of the Reference Model)
Applied Languages and Concepts
Within the FOREST approach, the general reference
model of problem specifications is instantiated using a real-time
temporal logic as basic formal description technique. This allows the
creation of precise problem specifications with an unambiguous semantics. To
enhance the intelligibility of a problem specification, we provide explanations
in natural language for each elementary phenomenon, object, and
formalized property. Moreover, to be able to handle problem specifications of
large systems, we have combined structuring concepts such as
modularization, aggregation, inheritance, and
parameterization with the temporal logic.
General Structure
To manage problem specifications of large systems, we structure a
problem specification into several so-called description classes.
Relations among description classes are established by aggregation and
inheritance. Description classes specifying common aspects are further organized
in so-called groups.
Structure of a Description Class
A description class consists of seven parts:
The INTENTION part is mandatory. All other parts are
optional. In the INTENTION part, a developer informally
describes which part of a system is considered in a description class.
In the FORMAL PARAMETERS part, two kinds of
parameters of a description class can be specified: sort
parameters and number parameters. A parameter of a
parameterized description class always has to be instantiated if this
class is aggregated or if another description class inherits from this
parameterized description class.
In the BASE CLASSES part, all description
classes from which this description class inherits are listed. The
BASE CLASSES parts of all description
classes thus defines the inheritance relation among the
description classes. Note that inheritance between two classes also
implies a specialization between both classes, in the sense that
the derived class is an extension of the base class.
The SIGNATURE part contains all entities that are necessary
to talk about the part of the system considered in this description class.
Following the guidelines of the reference model, there has to be an
intention explaining which phenomenon is represented to support
the one-to-one relationship between phenomena and terms. Moreover, the
scope of each entity representing an elementary phenomenon has to
be specified.
MACHINE SPECIFICATION parts, the properties
of the objects belonging to a description class are specified. The
properties are assigned to these three parts according to the
classification of statements given by the reference model. The name of
each property is chosen to reflect the description class and the part to
which this property is assigned. Each property usually consists of a
formula in real-time temporal logic and of a translation of this formula
into natural language.
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