Integration of FlexRay into the SDL-Model-Driven Development Approach

T. Braun, R. Gotzhein, M. Wiebel

System Analysis and Modeling: About Models - SAM 2010, 6th International Workshop on System Analysis and Modeling, Oslo, Norway, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 6598, 2011


In today's cars, communication systems providing deterministic guarantees regarding latency and jitter are needed. For safety-critical x-by-wire applications, even physical redundancy is required. FlexRay is a recent field-bus technology especially devised for these needs. In this paper, we present the integration of FlexRay into SDL-MDD, the SDL Model-driven Development approach. In particular, we show how certain dynamic configuration aspects of and communication via FlexRay can be specified already on design level with SDL, thereby abstracting from technological details. Furthermore, we extend the SDL Environment Framework by driver components supporting the automatic interfacing of SDL systems with FlexRay hardware. Finally, we present a functionally complex application scenario with real FlexRay hardware demonstrating the benefits and full operativeness of our solution.


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