MAcZ - a QoS MAC Layer for Ambient Intelligence Systems

T. Kuhn

Pfeifer, T.; Schmidt, A.; Woo, W.; Doherty, G.; Vernier, F.; Delaney, K.; Yerazunis, B.; Chalmers, M.; Kiniry, J. (Eds.): Advances in Pervasive Computing 2006. Adjunct Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Pervasive Computing. Vol. 207, Austrian Computer Society (OCG): Vienna, 2006. 244 pp. ISBN 3-85403-207-2.


Ambient intelligence systems consist of a variety of nodes and applications with different communication needs. To fill these needs, we present MacZ, an adaptive, hybrid Mac layer for wireless ad-hoc networks. MacZ establishes a time-synchronized communication medium, with synchronization across multiple hops. Based on this synchronization, MacZ offers both reservation-based and priority-based communication, and energy saving mechanisms.


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