Vertical Reuse in the Development of Distributed Systems with FDTs

R. Gotzhein

International Conference on Application of Formal Description Techniques in Internet and Communication Domains (FORTE 2003), Berlin, Germany, LNCS 2767, Springer, 2003, pp. 31-47


The development and maintenance of large distributed software systems is intrinsically difficult and continues to worry generations of software engineers in academia and industry. Several key approaches to mastering these difficulties have been identified, including structuring and reuse. System structuring is essential to controlling complexity, and is a prerequisite for the extraction of reuse artifacts. Reuse of solutions is crucial to controlling quality and productivity. Previous work has addressed horizontal reuse, i.e., reuse within a single development phase. In this paper, vertical reuse, i.e., reuse across development phases, is introduced, focusing on the early development phases. Formal description techniques (FDTs) are applied to define reuse artifacts. Examples are drawn from the building automation domain.


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