Generation of Efficient Protocol Implementations - an Experimental Code Generator for Estelle and its Application to XTP

J. Thees, R. Gotzhein

Proceedings of the 6th Open Workshop on High Speed Networks, Stuttgart, Germany, 1997


An important aspect of the application of formal methods in software practice is the automatic creation of efficient implementations directly from formal specifications. This often allows to save (or at least to simplify) the costly and error prone step of manual coding.

In this paper, we introduce the eXperimental Estelle Compiler (XEC), a new implementation generator for the specification language Estelle. This tool is experimental in the sense that it has been developed as a platform for the performance-evaluation, optimization, and testing of implementation methods. The special structure of generated implementations allows a very flexible execution model, supporting extensive static and dynamic optimizations. Finally, we report on a case study with the Xpress Transport Protocol (XTP), including quantitative performance data of different implementation methods in comparison to other Estelle code generators.


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