Pattern-based Configuring of the Internet Stream Protocol ST2+ with SDL

B. Geppert, F. Rößler, P. Schaible

SFB 501 Report 12/1997


The report presents a case study on the design of communication protocols using formalized design patterns. On principle, the approach adopts the well­known design patterns concept for reusing design solutions. However, a formal description technique (FDT) is applied as design language and therefore knowledge about pattern instantiation or its impact on the embedding context can be precisely specified. We consider formalization to be a prerequisite for increased correctness of resulting products and tool­supported pattern application. The FDT of our choice is the specification and description language SDL. Thus pattern application follows strict rules in terms of the SDL syntax. Additionally, assumptions and effects stated in terms of the SDL semantics help to ensure the intended working of an SDL­pattern within the embedding context. An SDL­pattern based re­engineering of the Internet Stream Protocol ST2+ is presented. In particular, it is demonstrated how SDL­pattern based design can boost the developer's confidence in the resulting product.

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